One of Fiona's pieces featured in a special concert in Iceland on World Earth Day. The River Wye formed the inspiration behind this piece, 'Flow Gentle River!', which was performed along with works from the Icelandic community. The concert was on 22nd April 2023 at Dynjandi Concert Hall, 31 Skipholti, Iceland University of the Arts, and was conducted by Suzanne Rome and Majella Clarke.
"On Wednesday, July 19, I will play at sunset in the wonderful Belvedere on the sea of Baja Sardinia, in the heavenly scenery of the Costa Smeralda. I will present my project #SoulofWomen, a reading-concert dedicated to Women in Music. I chose music that touch the strings of the soul, and that particularly represents me. Among the contemporaries I will also perform music by composers dear to me: Carlotta Ferrari, Fiona T Frank and Gaby Kapps. The event is promoted by the Municipality of Arzachena and falls into the calendar of #arzachenaeventi and the District Consortium of Baja Sardinia"
"On July 19th I will hold my reading-concert "Soul of Women" in a dreamy location on Costa Smeralda, at sunset, in the Belvedere in Baja Sardinia. Thanks to the Communes of Arzachena and Baja Sardinia, and to the District Consortium of Baja Sardinia"
"Pure magic playing in this wonderful Belvedere on the sea of the Emerald Coast with all the colours of the sunset. So many people listen to me"
November 2023 : Flower Moon Eclipse in Scorpio.
"I will tell stories of musicians forgotten by history as women, themselves victims of existential and creative annihilation of maleist and patriarchal patterns. Some of the violence too. Human relationships don't improve, we're struggling to remain human. We are making mistakes, and we have to talk a lot looking at each other in the face, with our hearts in our hands".
-Maggie S Lorelli

November 2023 : Towards a Shining Light 50 for 50.
The premiere performance was by Ensemble Flex in Australia, on 18th November 2023, with further performances from
Pelgrim Trio in The Netherlands on 2nd and 3rd December 2023
Lamont Trio in Denver USA on 8th December 2023
Ensemble Flex (Australia):
Dr Rianne Wilschut, clarinet
Nicholas Tomkin, viola
Alex Raineri, piano
Further performances were by the
Pelgrim Trio in The Netherlands on 2nd and 3rd December 2023
Karin Dolman, viola
Thea Rosmulder, clarinet
Caecilia Boschman, piano
-click below to watch the performance:
and the Lamont Trio in Denver USA on 8th December 2023
Ash Mach, viola
John Griffin, clarinet
Christopher Thompson, piano